Wednesday, 29 April 2020

How Kiwi saved the forest

  1. What is the name of the guardian of the birds?

Tane - hokahoka

  1. What is the name of the guardian of the trees?

Tane - mahuta

  1. What was eating the trees to cause them to die?

Insects that lived on the floor.

  1. How did the guardians want the birds to save the trees?

By eating the Insects.

  1. What was the tui scared of?

The dark

  1. Why didn’t the pukeko want to live on the forest floor?

His feet will get wet and cold

  1. Why did the Kiwi agree to live on the forest floor?

Because he loved the forest.

  1. What did they say the kiwi needed to grow?

Strong, sturdy legs.



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