Monday, 20 April 2020

Dawn parade

1.  What date do we celebrate Anzac day?
On the 25 of April .

2. “There metals glinted under the streetlights. What does ‘glinted’ mean? 

It means shining 

3. ‘Leo gazed at the long list of names…”what does the word ‘gazed’ mean?
It means stared 

4. Why do we wear poppies on Anzac day?
 Poppies grew in the field where soldiers died. Then this man called McCrae who was also a soldier who wrote a poem about poppies so it’s a reminder of all the people who died in the war. 

5. Why was the parade called the ‘Dawn parade?’

Soldiers  wanted to remember their friends who had died so they decided to meet at dawn because it is peaceful and quiet.

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